Lap Top Accessories

By Matt Franks

There are millions of customized lap top accessories you can buy for your personalized lap top computer. What type of accessories you need depend largely on the model and make of your computer.

Promotional Lap Top Accessories

Most people buy promotional lap top accessories. These often include personalized lap top accessories that go on sale here and there. Some examples may include customized ear buds you can wear when burning CDs or listening to your favorite DVDs from your lap top when traveling.

Customized lap top accessories may include a USB hub where you can plug in more than the standard 2 to 4 USB ports that come with most laptop computers. Still other people prefer personalized lap top accessories including an ergonomic keyboard they can plug into their laptop when they use it from a home docking station. While this is not common it is not unheard of.


Some people own what is known as a desktop replacement rather than a true laptop. This is a much larger version of a true laptop computer usually used for video making or gaming. Desktop replacements usually have an enormous hard drive and screen or monitor, one that is up to 17 wide, so the battery life doesnt last long. For this reason it makes sense to by customized lap top accessories including an extra battery.

Personalized Lap Top Accessories

Not sure what other lap top accessories you may need for your portable computer? Think about what you plan to use your computer for. Some people like to have an extra hard drive as a backup they can plug into their lap top. This is a good idea for anyone that is not on a network and prefers to work heavily on their laptop computers. This allows you to download important information and transport it easily from one computer to another. You can exchange information for example between your work computer and your home computer provided this is not against corporate rules.

This is more common among individuals that have their own business. You may see corporate lap top accessories including portable DVD players or printers that attach right to the laptop. Some people print photographs using a portable photo printer. These are fun for employee get-togethers.

Whatever lap top accessories you do get make sure you verify their compatibility with your system. A back-up lap top charger is always a good investment, especially because some brands tend to stop working within 6 months to a year after purchase. You can sometimes use a universal charger to replace your adapter, but a customized adapter is always a better bet. You will get more use out of your battery with a custom adapter.

Spending Money Wisely

Many people are tempted to buy customized lap top accessories when buying their notebooks online. Your best bet is to review what you absolutely need before you get on the phone with someone to buy a notebook. Most salespeople will try to convince you to buy personalized lap top accessories you do not need. You may buy too much extra memory for example.

If you are not sure you need it dont get it until you talk with someone you can trust you will save a lot of money.

About the Author: Matt Franks is director of Fluid Branding, the UK’s largest supplier of

Promotional Lap Top Accessories

and other

Promotional Products

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