How To Lose Weight Fast Using Supplements

By Weight Loss Pills Seller, Dr. Wright

Deb B., a registered nurse and mother of three, complained of excess fat around her middle after having a hysterectomy. She couldn’t seem to shed the weight, no matter what she did. Deb started supplementing with pyruvate, taking two capsules three times a day at meals, according to the supplement manufacturer’s directions. She did not exercise, nor did she watch her diet closely.

“Within the first week, I noticed a difference in my waist. It had actually shrunk! Not only could I see this in the mirror, I could feel it every time I got dressed. My clothes were much looser around the waist.”

While supplementing with pyruvate, you needn’t go on an overly stringent diet. However, if you eat anything you want without regard to calories or fat intake or without exercising, you will only get fatter. Your best bet is to follow a moderate, well-balanced but low-fat diet and exercise plan that decreases your calories by no more than 500 a day, either by exercise, a slight reduction in food, or a combination of the two. At we sell best weight loss supplements. Suppose you require an intake of 2,200 calories a day to maintain your weight. To lose fat, you’ll need to cut 500 calories daily, for a caloric intake of 1,700 calories a day.


Some researchers feel that pyruvate should be taken with a carbohydrate food, because carbohydrates help pyruvate get into your system more effectively.

Supplementing with pyruvate can potentially enhance your fat-loss efforts and energy systems for more satisfying results. Refer to appendix A for information on planning an appropriate diet.

Pyruvate is very safe, because it is a natural component of your body’s metabolism. Remember, your body makes pyruvate more specifically, pyruvic acidon an ongoing basis. Pyruvate causes no harmful side effects when taken in the recommended doses. Nor is it a central nervous stimulant like caffeine, even though it appears to reduce fatigue. Therefore, you’ll experience none of the typical side effects associated with stimulants, such as a racing heartbeat, the jitters, or nervousness. Pyruvate is so safe that you don’t need a doctor’s prescription, although you should always let your physician know if you are taking supplements. And, as with any supplement, if you’re diabetic or pregnant or have any medical condition, consult your physician before taking pyruvate.

Currently, pyruvate is available as sodium pyruvate, calcium pyruvate, or a combination of the two. If you take 15 grams of sodium pyruvate, you’re adding 3,000 mg of sodium to your diet. The recommended intake of sodium is between 500 mg and 2,400 mg per day, or no more than 11A teaspoons of table salt. Therefore, you’d be exceeding the healthy limits for sodium intake. Long-term use of sodium or calcium pyruvate could lead to mineral imbalances.

Fortunately, other forms of pyruvate are in the works. One would combine pyruvate with the amino acid glycine to make pyruvylglycine. This formulation would eliminate the risk of excess sodium intake and possible mineral imbalance. And before long, we may see a supplement

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