Fad Diets Are Bad}

Submitted by: Garen Arnold

Fad diets are no answer to sustained weight loss. You may lose some weight, but this is just water weight that will quickly be replaced once you begin to eat normally again. The real problem with these diets are that they are unhealthy, they do not contain enough calories that our bodies need for energy. Fad diets, why they are bad is because they do not contain the vital nutrients your body needs to function. A diet that is 900 calories or less is considered a starvation diet.

Fad diets why they are bad is because many of these diets are low carbohydrate diets. A high protein low carbohydrate diet does not build muscle. If the body consumes more protein that it can synthesize, the extra protein is converted to fat. When the body does not get enough carbohydrates it attacks the livers glycogen storage, your bodys normal storage place for carbohydrates. Glycogen is basically sugar, which is broken down and used by the muscles. This distracts hydration from muscle tissue and leaves the body at risk for dehydration and mineral deficiencies. Dehydration symptoms include: headache, decreased blood pressure, weakness, muscle cramping and dizziness. Dehydration also disturbs your bodys electrolyte balance.

Fad diets why they are bad is become some of them use diet pills. Some of these diet pills contain ephedrine, and some add caffeine to the mix. These pills are supposed to decrease your appetite. What the diet pills really do is speed up your heart rate and make you anxious and irritable. Some people can develop a psychological dependence on them.


Fad diets why they are bad is because some of them restrict your diet to just one or two foods. This does not provide adequate nutrition. They rob your diet of needed carbohydrates, which puts your body in a state of ketosis. Ketosis is an abnormal body reaction, which occurs during starvation. Ketosis disturbs the bodys carbohydrate utilization. Ketosis can cause you to be tired. It can also lead to nausea, vomiting and constipation. Long term effects of continued ketosis can lead to heart and kidney disease. Quick weight loss methods can lead to muscle injury, making you more susceptible to a serious injury.

Fad diets why they are bad is because teens and children may try them. This is a time when their appearance is important for their self esteem. Fad diets are dangerous to growing bodies. Dieting can affect their concentration along with the side effects already mentioned. Fad diets in children can stop or stall bone growth. These diets can affect their school performance, energy level and behavior.

Fad diet regimens can cause a lot of health problems. These can include: feeling tired, depressed, less interest in sex, hypothyroidism, weight gain, extreme food cravings, hormone imbalances, digestion problem, decrease the bodys immune system, cause mood swings, and can cause premature skin aging.

Fad diets why they are bad is because they do not deliver what they promise. People waste their money on there products. The diet may lead to more weight gain in the end. The biggest deterrent to fad dieting is the cost it may have on your health. Fad dieting can contribute to developing eating disorders. Fad diets why are bad is because they do not offer adequate nutrition and can lead to illness.

About the Author: Was this information on fad dieting helpful. The truth is millions of people fall for fad diets each year.

Fad diets, why are they bad




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