Keeping Your Bones Strong With Osteoease

Submitted by: Steven A Johnson

Calcium is a mineral that is absolutely necessary for our bodies. Like a lot of other minerals in foods, we rarely get the actual amount we need just by foods. Osteoease is reported to be the most effective supplement to make sure your calcium supply is met and bone disorders are minimized.

Osteoporosis is considered a disorder resulting from porous and fragile bones. It is currently affecting 10 million Americans, studies show, 80% of them women. With the help of some great doctors, Osteoease is now available to fight Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is when the bones become porous and fragile. When talking about bone disorders, it generally comes fro complications receiving proper intakes of calcium and vitamin D. If you live for years with low calcium intake and/or vitamin D intake, this is set-up for bone disorders. Another one is the way the calcium we nourish is delivered and absorbed. When calcium intake is badly absorbed or low, the body must breakdown the bone to use the calcium stored in it.

Just like many other parts of your body, your bones continue to change as you age. From the time you are born to the age of 30, your bones grow in size and in mass. This is when you are considered to reach you peak bone mass, which means it will not grow anymore. This is why it is very important to maintain a required amount of calcium in your body each day to assist in maintaining the rigidness of your bones.


There really is no other kind of supplement like Osteoease. What makes it so great is it does what no other calcium supplement can do; deliver the calcium into the cells of your bones.

Osteoease is a product bought to you by Urban Nutrition, They are a quality company and everyone seems to love all of their products. They do extensive research before releasing any supplement to the public and they have some great formulas developed by Dr. Hans Nieper.

When developing Osteoease he developed two types of mineral carriers , 2-AEP and Orotate that carry calcium directly to the body at the cellular level for where absorption is maximized.

2-AEP (2 Aminoethyl Phosphate) is the component consisting of the outer cell membranes of your body. 2-AEP, the “Smart Mineral Carrier,” carries the calcium directly to those walls to strengthen, seal, and protect your healthy cells, as well as repair damaged cells.

Orotate is able to bind with natural calcium to provide efficient transport into a cell. It delivers the mineral to the cell plasma. When calcium combines with Orotate, its molecular structure allows it to get into bones and tissue more effectively than calcium intake by foods or other supplements. Calcium Orotate is carried, released, and absorbed at the cellular level.

Osteoporosis in not the only disorder Osteoease can help prevent. During their clinical studies, tests showed that it reduces the loss of bone mass, bone fracture, bone and heel spurs, muscle and nerve pain, and arthritis relief.

Osteoease has no known side effects, which makes it great for children and teens for who want to get a head start on keeping their bones healthy.

Women who are pregnant also benefit from Osteoease. Pregnancy can be a tough time for women, physically and mentally. Osteoease provides some of the extras you may need when supplementing your calcium.

When considering a calcium supplement, seriously think about Osteoease. It is designed by a world known doctor who is continually successful and it has no known side effects just positive results!

About the Author: Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital, active, and healthy lifestyle. For information and products on weight loss and other life-enhancing nutrients, please visit his website

Alternative Health Supplements.


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