Sample Essay About Myself: Reasons For Being A Lawyer

Sample Essay About Myself: Reasons for Being a Lawyer



Perhaps youve asked yourself this question once, twice, or several times over. You ask why do I want to be a lawyer? It haunts you until it brings you to scold yourself to stop dreaming and be the lawyer youre destined to be. Like you, many have been pondering on the same question for a long time. And like you, many get confused on whether to go to law school or not. If you think being a lawyer is your destiny, then take the steps to land a spot at your dream school. You can begin by coming with a winning admissions essay with the help of a well-written “sample essay about myself.”


When writing your admissions essay, it’s important to take note of your reasons for becoming a lawyer. You may have noticed that a well-written “sample essay about myself” for law school contains specific reasons why one wants to pursue a legal education. This is because stating definite reasons why you want to go to law school can help the admissions panel in deciding if you really deserve a slot at their school. Good reasons for going to law school If you have always had the inherent passion for justice and to always stand for whats right, then going to law school is a good idea. Just don’t directly mention in your essay that you “want to promote justice and help people.” This is a very noble but vague reason to go to law school. Make it more personalized by discussing the activities you enjoyed in college that made you want to pursue a legal education. The key here is to let the panels see a more personal side of you. Another good reason to go to law school is if you think a law degree can help you achieve your goals. Discussing your goals in your admissions essay is a good way of telling the admissions panel that you do have concrete plans after law school. Having goals also means you have some sort of direction, and that your decision to pursue a law degree is part of a long-time commitment. Bad reasons for going to law school Applying for law school just because your parents told you so is never really a good reason to pursue a career in law. And besides, if you’re not really interested in a legal career, this will definitely show in your admissions essay. Before you apply for law school, make sure that it’s really a decision you want to make. Going to law school because you’re not sure on what to do after college is always a bad reason. Pursuing a legal education takes a lot of time, money, and effort. You really have to commit yourself because law school is challenging. So if you’re really not sure whether law school is really your kind of thing or not, spend some time first thinking about your goals and plans after college. Before you go to law school, examine first your true reasons why you want to do so. Having the passion to pursue a law degree is definitely an important factor if you want to land that spot at your dream school. If you’re truly passionate about law, a well-written admission essay will definitely reflect your interests and passion.

Nancy Haverford is an expert in writing admissions essays. She highly recommends looking at a

sample essay about myself

before applicants create their own. She also suggests that reading a well-written

sample essay about myself

is important in helping you write an original and creative essay.

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Sample Essay About Myself: Reasons for Being a Lawyer